cause of pain is stretching of the pancreatic ducts with an increase in pressure in them due to obstructed outflow of secretions. In the occurrence of pain, a certain role is played by the effect of inflammation on the receptor apparatus of the pancreas, as well as ischemia of its parenchyma due to edema and fibrosis. As a rule, pain is localized in the left hypochondrium or epigastric region. Pain can be of different intensity: from minimal to excruciating. Pain radiates to the back, left shoulder, left shoulder blade. Less commonly, pain is in the right hypochondrium or girdle. Pain intensifies 30 minutes after eating and in the supine position. The duration of the pain is usually prolonged, it can be constant or of the type of "colic".
2. Dyspeptic syndrome:
Flatulence, rumbling, salivation, burning sensation in the tongue, change in appetite, belching, nausea, vomiting.
3. Syndrome of exocrine insufficiency.
A change in the nature of the stool, from constipation to its increase, up to pancreatic diarrhea: the stool is mushy in consistency, it is difficult to wash off in the toilet, plentiful, frothy, “fatty” in appearance. Changes in the skin (thinning, diffuse grayish pigmentation, follicular hyperkeratosis), hair and nails (dry and brittle), weight loss up to cachexia, seizures in the corners of the mouth.
4. Syndrome of endocrine insufficiency: Hunger, dry mouth, thirst, fear, excessive sweating, tremor of the extremities, due to the development of secondary diabetes.
5. Syndrome of protein-energy deficiency: Progressive weight loss, in severe cases - dehydration.
6. Cholestatic syndrome: Jaundice, pruritus, liver enlargement (characteristic only for the pseudotumorous form of chronic pancreatitis).
7. Asthenoneurotic syndrome: weakness, weakness, decreased ability to work, irritability, hypochondria.
8. Intoxication syndrome: fever, artalgia, loss of appetite, weakness.
9. Pancreaticocardial syndrome: cardialgia, extrasystole, tachycardia, muffled heart tones, arterial hypotension.
10. Pancreatopleural syndrome: Signs of reactive exudative pleurisy on the left, less often on both sides, due to the formation of diaphragmatic microfistulas and the penetration of enzymes into the pleural fluid.
11. Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome: thrombosis in the portal system, in the system of pulmonary, mesenteric, coronary and cerebral vessels.
12. Syndromes of compression of adjacent organs are characteristic of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis with the formation of pseudocysts, pseudotumorous pancreatitis, developmental anomalies (annular, accessory pancreas, etc.) And pancreatic cancer.
13. Duodenal compression syndrome (duodenal intestinal obstruction syndrome) is manifested by a clinical picture of high small bowel obstruction: frequent, exhausting vomiting, leading to dehydration, water-electrolyte disorders and trophic insufficiency.
14. Syndrome of compression of the splenic and portal vein: pancreatic ascites (occurs with pseudotumorous pancreatitis).