A disorder known as bronchiectasis occurs when the smooth muscles of the bronchial tubes are lost and the bronchial tubes' inflammatory or other damage results in damage. Additionally, the bronchi frequently lose their flexibility
Both inherited and acquired forms of bronchiectasis are possible.Many medical professionals classify bronchiectasis, which also includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, as a kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
The abnormal enlargement of the bronchi or their branches, which typically increases the risk for infection, is called bronchiectasis. Its name is derived from the Greek words bronkhia, which refer to the branches of the lung's main bronchi, and ektasis, which means dilation.
According to some researchers, there are three main forms of bronchiectasis. These categories can be identified by their microscopic or anatomical appearance.
Types of bronchiectasis
The mildest type of bronchiectasis, cylindrical bronchiectasis, exhibits a loss of the usual airway tapering.
With saccular or varicose bronchiectasis, the airway wall becomes even more deformed, the patient produces more mucus and phlegm, and some of the bronchi may appear to be beaded in shape.
Cystic bronchiectasis is the least common and most severe type of bronchiectasis. This variety typically has thicker walls than the blebs found with emphysema and has significant air gaps and a honeycombed appearance in CT scan examinations. Some people's lungs include multiple varieties.