Gastric juices are produced by the stomach and aid in meal digestion. However, due to a variety of factors, gastric juicess can be secreted in excess specially increase in hydrochloric acid, resulting in acidity. Acid reflux is caused by factors that influence the function of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
Some of the common causes of acidity include:
1. Food and dietary factors
· Processed meals that are rich in sodium, sugar, refined oils, and synthetic additives
· Caffeinated beverages and alcohol
· Carbonated drinks, sugary drinks, and adrenaline drinks
· Excessive sugar and fake sweeteners
· Fried and spicy meal or snacks
· Citrus fruits, garlic, onions, and tomatoes are examples of acidic meals.
· Diet low in fiber
· Overeating or eating at irregular intervals
· Unhealthy eating habits
· Over eating before physical exercise
2. Lifestyle factors
· Alcohol abuse
· Smoking
· Insomnia and restlessness
· Inactive and Sedentary lifestyle
3. Ailments and medications
· Excessive stress, anxiety, or depression
· Diseases, like Esophageal diseases, Duodenal and Peptic ulcers, GERD, Gastric Cancer etc.
· Medications, like Aspirin, painkillers, antibiotics, chemotherapy medications, and antidepressants. These drugs reduce the production of bicarbonates - bicarbonates alkalinize (make less acidic) the contents in the outlet of the stomach and duodenum.
Risk Factors Of Acidity
The following conditions are associated with a higher chance of acidity:
· Medical conditions, such as diabetes, celiac disease, and connective tissue disorders, like scleroderma
· Hiatal hernia
· Delayed stomach emptying
· Overweight/Obesity
· Pregnancy
· Menopause
- various operations in the stomach or esophagus, such as vagotomy, gastrectomy and resection of the stomach;
- pylorospasm (contraction of the sphincter of the stomach at the site of its transition to the duodenum);
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum ;
- stress.