Therapy of bronchial asthma requires control of the disease. Treatment begins with the exclusion of allergens identified during the diagnosis. With nutritional allergies, a strict diet is indicated. All foods that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease are removed from the diet. When reacting to household irritants, it is necessary to replace feather (pood) bedding with synthetic winterizers, get rid of thick curtains, carpets, and give pets into good hands. The situation is more complicated with seasonal attacks, which are caused by flowering plants. Doctors advise to leave for the period of active distribution of flower pollen. If this is not possible, it is recommended to use a medical mask, carry an inhaler with you at all times, and do not visit squares and parks.
Medical treatment:
Complex drug therapy of BA is carried out in several directions:
• Stabilization of the condition - maintenance of respiratory function;
• Prevention of exacerbations, rapid relief of paroxysms;
• Prevention of irreversible bronchial obstruction.
Two groups of drugs for the respiratory system are considered basic - supportive (for continuous use) and situational (to relieve an asthma attack).
The first group includes:
• Methylxanthines - with a moderate bronchodilatory effect based on theophylline
• Systemic anti-inflammatory drugs;
• Antileukotrienes that prevent increased capillary permeability;
• Combined cough medicines ;
• Vasoconstrictor nasal drops - for seasonal use;
• immunomodulators - to strengthen local and general immunity.
In the treatment of bronchial asthma, glucocorticosteroids are used. The scheme and doses of hormone therapy are selected individually. Self-medication with hormones, at best, can lead to the development of tachyphylaxis (addiction), and at worst, provoke a heart attack or severe bronchospasm.
To eliminate seizures use:
• Beta-agonists that improve sputum discharge to increase the lumen of the bronchi (orciprenaline, salbutamol );
• Blockers of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (trihexyphenidyl, biperiden, etc.);
• Inhalers - aerosols containing sympathomimetics and fast-acting methylxanthines.
The relief of severe paroxysms is carried out in the hospital. The supply of humidified oxygen through a mask, infusion therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation help to relieve suffocation - saturation of the bronchi with oxygen under high pressure. With the development of status asthmaticus, it is possible to connect the patient to a ventilator. After stabilization of the patient's condition, he remains in the hospital for a course of treatment.