Tests Required for Diagnosis
Examination of patients with suspected Asbestosis is carried out by a pulmonologist with the participation of an occupational pathologist. In establishing the diagnosis of asbestosis, the study of the occupational route and the availability of data indicating exposure to asbestos dust play a decisive role. During auscultation, moist small bubbling (sometimes dry) rales, pleural rub are heard. Above the upper sections of the lungs, a box sound is determined percussion.
In blood tests, acceleration of ESR, hypergammaglobulinemia , RF, antinuclear antibodies, and a decrease in the level of oxygen in arterial blood can be detected.
Radiographic signs of asbestosis are linear-mesh deformation of the lung pattern, hilar fibrosis, pleural changes (plaques, adhesions, effusion), in the later stages - "honeycomb lung". With dubious results of lung radiography, I resort to high-resolution CT of the lungs, which allows one to reliably consider subpleural linear, focal or irregularly shaped shadows.
The study of the function of external respiration in asbestosis indicates the predominance of restrictive disorders over obstructive ones (decrease in VC and respiratory volume, etc.). Due to the similarity of the clinical and radiological picture of asbestosis with other pneumoconiosis, a differential diagnosis is made with anthracosis, pulmonary hemosiderosis, stannosis, talcosis, fibrosing alveolitis, and other diseases.
For this purpose, a microscopic analysis of sputum, a study of bronchial washings, a biopsy of lung tissue, in which asbestos bodies and fibers are found, is carried out.