The main goals pursued by the doctor when prescribing the treatment of functional pathology are to reduce the intensity of symptoms and prevent relapses of the disease. Hospitalization in the department of gastroenterology is usually indicated only for complex studies, with difficulties in differential diagnosis. The main directions of therapy for functional dyspepsia: correction of lifestyle and nutrition, medication and psychotherapeutic measures.
Situations that cause stress, worry, and physical and emotional exhaustion should be avoided in order to normalise daily life. It is advised to give up smoking and consuming alcohol. Daily physical education must be scheduled since it helps the patient's overall health and the way their digestive systems work. Additionally, it's important to pay close attention to your food. Fried, hot, spicy, carbonated beverages, and coffee are not allowed on the diet.
You need to eat in small portions, chew food thoroughly, avoid overeating and long breaks between meals. After eating, you need to actively move, do not lie down to rest. If there are signs of dyspepsia, it is recommended to refuse the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as they adversely affect the condition of the gastric mucosa. These measures are leading in the treatment of functional dyspepsia.
If the patient is not able to normalize the diet on his own, he may need the help of a nutritionist. The specialist will explain the need to comply with the frequency and volume of each meal, the harm of overeating and long breaks in nutrition. Also, the nutritionist will control the qualitative composition of food - the presence of a sufficient amount of protein and vitamins, dietary fiber.
A cure for functional dyspepsia is impossible without a deep psycho-emotional restructuring. To do this, it is necessary not only to reduce the amount of stress to a minimum, but also to change the patient's attitude to negative situations. Sports, water procedures, yoga classes can contribute to this. The attending physician must maintain a trusting relationship with the patient, explain in detail the causes and mechanisms of the development of the disease - only in this case it is possible to obtain the desired effect from the treatment. Greater productivity of therapy can be achieved by prescribing sedatives (valerian herb, motherwort), antidepressants (fluvoxamine, fluoxetine).
Drug treatment is prescribed depending on the form of dyspepsia. With an ulcer-like variant, the main group of drugs is antacids and antisecretory agents: aluminum hydroxide in combination with magnesium hydroxide, proton pump inhibitors, H2 receptor blockers, and others. Prokinetics, such as domperidone or metoclopramide, are used to treat the dyskinetic type of dyspepsia. Various antacid and prokinetic drug combinations are used in other functional dyspepsia variations.
If the symptoms of dyspepsia do not regress during treatment, other drugs from these groups should be used, or the combination of drugs should be changed. Pylori (if it has not been carried out so far), with a positive result, to carry out the eradication of the microorganism with antibacterial agents. Antihelicobacter therapy in 25% of cases greatly facilitates the course of dyspepsia.
We should not forget about the alarming symptoms that may appear in a patient with dyspepsia: dysphagia, bleeding from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, unmotivated weight loss. If the patient makes the listed complaints, it is necessary to repeat endoscopic and other studies for the timely detection of a dangerous pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach cancer, cancer of the small intestine , etc.).