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Life Expectancy in India: Average Lifespan, Global Trends and Calculator.

Life expectancy could be seen as one of the most crucial parameters to judge the efficiency as well as the overall health and well being of the population of any country. It shows the average number o...

Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A modern approach to managing Diabetes.

Considering the ever-growing number of patients with diabetes, their commitment to sufficient and high-quality glycemic control appears to be extremely important. And nowadays, more and more patients ...

Rising to New Heights: The Ultimate guide to Increasing Height.

Want to know how to increase height quickly after 18? Is the increase in height a big deal? Not this way! It's all about relieving decompressions on the vertebrae that develop over time due to heavine...

The facts about 75 Day Hard Challenge

Recently, it has been difficult to escape the 75 Hard Challenge since it is a craze on social media sites like Instagram and TikTok. But what is this "challenge" really? The inventor, Andy F...